Saturday, August 28, 2010

Why Music Sucks Today

     The biggest reason is F*cking Indie crap. Now i do dabble in it and do enjoy the peaceful feel and sound of it, like some true fans. But most people are doing it cause, well simply beacause they are idiots and think its cool. This is truly, the new hippie trend. Since most 21st century "hippies" are now peacefully rocking out to Modest Mouse and Arcade Fire. Example; I new a girl two years ago who was all about being a "hippie" and oldies rock, though she would deny it all cause thats what was "cool" back then. But now she listens to her new aged Indie crap and again denys she's part of the trend.
      But there are some true Indie fans and people who like simply because its good music. It can be hard to identify them, but here are some tips:
1-Doesn't JUST listen to Indie.
2-Likes more then than popular bands, like Arcade Fire.
3-Wasn't part of the Hippie trend.
4-Doesn't where Bob Marley shirts(This can vary)
5-Doesn't try to look unclean and dirty.

NOW IF 3 OR MORE of these fit you, then your good. IF none fit you and you listen to Indie, then you are a true dumb@ss and need to stop following gay @ss trends. Cause everyone can tell you only do it for the trend and you have no life. IF you have a problem with this list, then go cry to your "friends" cause i dont a shit.

NOTE!!!: Some/most Indie bands are good, so dont get me wrong. I enjoy the music, its mainly the fans i hate.

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