Friday, August 13, 2010

Will There Be A Third Batman?

There has been a lot of mixed talk of there being a third Batman movie. But it had been confirmed and should be released in 2011. It  is currently being called "Shadow Of The Bat". Its confirmed that Christopher Nolan(The Director) will be doing it, but it will sadly be his last Batman. The same Batman(Christian Bale) is signed on, but the character Rachel Dawes is still unkown.

There has also been a lot of talk for who the villian is. It has been confirmed that the main villian will be The Riddler played by Johnny Depp. Supporting villians will be Black Mask(In the Photo) and Harley Quinn(Kristen Bell). There will also be a short part featuring Deadshot and Deathstroke The Terminator, who are the deadliest asassains in comic book history. Also, a quick cameo of the joker in Arkham Aslyum played by Crispin Glover.

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