It has been two years since the widly popular Indestrucable came out. But with the new album Asylum, Disturbed does not dissapoint. Now being a huge fan Disturbed and the album Indestrucable, i can honestly say that this album is a worthy. Though i don't personally find it as good as Indestrucable, it deffinetly won't leave you bored or dissapoint. I have not bought the album, but through iTunes i have bought a few songs and through youtube i have listened to most if not all of the songs. My favorite is Another Way To Die, i really liked the slower intro to it. SOme other songs i really like(not in order) are Asylum(title track), Never Again, Warrior, My Child and The Infection.
One thing i wish to talk about, is how the intro sounds very similar to Indestrucable. It is differnt, but i did feel like i heard it before. After skimming through my Disturbed songs, i realized it. I even played them at the same time and found they do VERY similar. Even with this, Warior is a great song and deserves to be heard. Espically since the lyrics are very awesome.
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