Sunday, September 5, 2010

Review of Taxi Driver

     Well i just exited out of Windows Media, after finishing the infamous Taxi Driver. I must say, this movie deffinetly lives up to its reputation. I was shocked that even Scorsesse could make such a masterful and perfect picture. Starting with the plot and going to the score, this movie never faults. Though some people may say some scenes drag on, i could not get it enough of Deniro as this crazed man on a quest.
     I'll start with the acting. Deniro was perfect casted as the man whose mising a few screws. In ever scene, he did the best he possibly could. Even it scenes when he's not talking, he just LOOKs like a crazed man. And when the "You talkin' to me?..." scene came up, i was literally stunned. I've heard that line so many times. But i never knew it came from this and i never how HOW it should be said. I will sadly have to stop saying that line, since i would bring disgrace on Deniro's pitch perfect acting.
     Onto Jodie Foster. From what i had heard, it seemed like she was Deniros leading lady. But shes only in the last half/third of the movie. Though once she finally does show up, she's there for good. I never really liked her, espically in Silence Of The Lambs, but she's nearly as perfect as Deniro. One scene to note, is when her and Deniro are in the diner and she starts laughing. You could tell it was a fake laugh, but it didn't seem like it was Jodie doing a bad job laughing. It seemed like the charcater was doing a fake laugh. It hards to explain, but basicly everything that would seem like faulty acting seemed like the character being overly dramatic. Which makes her acting, a hundred times better
     The script is near perfect. With only a few dragging scenes throughout. I also just love how he made the main character a taxi driver, instead of a big business or someone average movie character. It really opened the movie to a whole new perspective and feel to it. They probaly could have changed it and made it a little darker and more interesting. But i dont think they NEEDED to change anything.
    I give this a 5 out of 5 or a 10 out of 10.

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